Construcción de cursos en línea con Google Course Builder
Construction of Online Courses with Google Course Builder
Construcción de cursos en línea con Google Course Builder
Construction of Online Courses with Google Course Builder
Gerardo Abel Laguna-Sanchez, 0000-0001-5145-1248
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Universidad del Zulia
Biblioteca Digital Revicyhluz. Revistas Científicas y Humanísticas
Biblioteca Digital Revicyhluz. Revistas Científicas y Humanísticas
En este artículo se presenta una introducción sobre el manejo y alcance de la plataforma Google Course Builder para el desarrollo de cursos en línea. El desarrollo permite describir las posibilidades que ofrece la plataforma en el contexto de los modelos de clase inversa (flipped/inverted classroom) y de los cursos masivos abiertos en línea (MOOC, por sus siglas en inglés). Los contenidos y conocimientos expuestos, se presentan como una alternativa que contribuye a desarrollar la capacidad de emprender y construir de forma personalizada cursos en línea. Con el fin de fundamentar la investigación, se realiza una breve reseña de marcos teóricos y se comparten algunas impresiones con base de la experiencia docente del autor, después de trabajar con cursos bajo el concepto clase inversa. Finalmente, se proporciona la referencia para el diseño de un curso tutorial en línea, construido con la plataforma Google Course Builder, para facilitar el camino y permitir un inicio rápido en el desarrollo de cursos en línea.
This article presents an introduction on the handling and scope of the Google platform Course Builder for the development of online courses. The development allows to describe the possibilities offered by the platform in the context of the class models reverse (flipped/inverted classroom) and the massive courses open online (MOOC, by its acronym in English). The contents and knowledge exposed, are presented as an alternative the helps developed the capacity to undertake and build custom shape online courses. In order to substantiate the investigation, a brief overview of theorical frameworks and share some impressions with base of the teaching experience of the author, after working with courses under the concept class reverse. Finally, it provides the reference for the design of a course online tutorial, built with the Google platform Course Builder, to facilitate the way and allow a quick start in the development of online courses.
This article presents an introduction on the handling and scope of the Google platform Course Builder for the development of online courses. The development allows to describe the possibilities offered by the platform in the context of the class models reverse (flipped/inverted classroom) and the massive courses open online (MOOC, by its acronym in English). The contents and knowledge exposed, are presented as an alternative the helps developed the capacity to undertake and build custom shape online courses. In order to substantiate the investigation, a brief overview of theorical frameworks and share some impressions with base of the teaching experience of the author, after working with courses under the concept class reverse. Finally, it provides the reference for the design of a course online tutorial, built with the Google platform Course Builder, to facilitate the way and allow a quick start in the development of online courses.